Secret Night at Davis Manor

€ 49,99

England, 1928. In celebration of a new era of post-war prosperity, a grand dinner has been organized at historic Davis Manor. The greatest luminaries of the time have been invited including you! But you're not going for the food...


The police have been warned: a master thief will use the event to steal de Davis Manor fortune! This thief and their accomplices are already cunningly concealed amongst the guests and now, so are the police, who are determined to use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to catch a notorious criminal.

Are you the master thief? A shrewd detective? An accomplice? A deceiver? Only one thing is certain...

Everyone has a secret in Secret Night.


Leeftijdscategorie: 14+
Gemiddelde speelduur: 15 minuten per speler
Aantal spelers: 4 - 8

Taal: Engels en Spaans

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